Grand Reformation Tour: Germany and Switzerland

Sample Itinerary

Day 1: Overnight Flight to Berlin, Germany

We depart today for our transatlantic flight to Berlin, Germany

Day 2: Arrival in Berlin, Wittenberg

Welcome to Germany! We head to Berlin for a short break for lunch on our own and time to visit the nearby Kaiser Wilhelm Church. Our afternoon bus orientation tour includes a stop at the famous Brandenburg Gate for photos. We also see the Cathedral, the Reichstag building and the lively boulevards, followed by visits to WWII Topography of Terror Museum and Cold War Check Point Charlie Museum. We then travel to Wittenberg and dine at our hotel. Tonight, local Christians join us for dinner and share their experiences of ministry in Wittenberg.

Day 3: Wittenberg (Torgau)

This morning our local guide takes us on a tour of Lutherstadt Wittenberg. It was here in 1517 that Martin Luther nailed his famous 95 Theses and Melanchthon helped forge Reformation Theology. Here the Cranachs painted now famous portraits of Luther. We spend time in the Lutherhalle (Luther House) Museum, where Luther lived first as a monk, then later with his wife and children. We are able to view some of Luther’s very own personal library, rare manuscripts, and early Bibles. The tour also includes Castle Church, Stadtkirche St. Marien (St. Mary’s church) where Luther preached and where his children were baptized, and the Luther Oak where he burned the edict from Rome, condemning him as a “heretic”. This afternoon we visit Torgau, a political center of the Reformation. Luther met many people in Torgau, not the least of which was his future wife, Kathe. It was here that the first Lutheran church was built and where Luther preached occasionally. Kathe was also buried in a church here. We see the church as well as visit the famous Hartenfels Palace. We also see the sight at the Elbe River where the Russians and American met in World War II.

Day 4: Erfurt

After breakfast, we travel to Erfurt, where we have free time for lunch and a stroll around this delightful medieval town. Our local guide takes us on a tour including St. Mary’s Cathedral, St. Severin’s Church and the famous Merchant’s Bridge. We end at the Augustinian Monastery where Luther became a monk on July 17, 1505. We are able to see his monastic quarters, including one cell furnished to look as it would have done when he lived there. At the end of the tour, we have a group worship service in the chapel. This evening we dine in the “Luther Cellar” restaurant with a traditional meal from his time. We spend two nights in his Augustinian Monastery, which is now a Christian hotel (subject to availability).

Day 5: Eisenach, Erfurt

In 1521, while fleeing from the wrath of the Pope, Luther took refuge in the Wartburg Castle after a fake kidnapping staged by his friend and protector, Frederick the Wise. We tour the castle and see where Luther finished translating the New Testament into German in just eleven weeks. Luther spent time in the nearby town of Eisenach at as schoolboy and sang in the choir of St. George’s Church, where the Bach family also worshiped. The afternoon is free to explore the town or visit the Bach Museum and Luther House Museum. The bus then takes us back to Erfurt, followed by an optional tour to Buchenwald, a Nazi concentration camp. The evening is at leisure.

Day 6: Rhine Cruise, Rüdesheim

On our way to the Rhine River, engage in discussion of the Reformation and then enjoy a delightful and picturesque cruise from St. Goarshausen, past magnificent castles and the famous Loreley Rock to charming Rüdesheim. We then take a cable car over vineyards to the Germania Monument with a gorgeous Rhein view, followed by dinner at a local winery. Here, we savor a relaxed group meal and learn about life in the abbey. This evening in Rüdesheim we can sing along to German folk songs with live accordion music. We overnight in Rüdesheim

Day 7: Worms, Strasbourg

Our guide in Worms takes us to see the amazing Cathedral, followed by the site of Luther’s Worms Debates (Diet of Worms), now a park, with a plaque commemorating Luther’s brave stand for faith and truth. We have a photo stop at the stunning Reformation Monument, followed by worship and prayers in the Church of the Holy Trinity. We then travel into France to visit Strasbourg, referred to as the “City of Hope” and “Refuge of the Righteous” by the Anabaptists. This is where John Calvin wrote his famous books on systematic theology and where Martin Bucer, another Reformation leader, helped bring in the Reformation. We have a stroll around the city center and view the Cathedral of Strasbourg, St. Thomas’s Church, and the charming “La Petite France” quarter. This evening we enjoy a fellowship meal with local believers.

Day 8: Strasbourg

Today is at leisure to explore this wonderful French city, take a canal tour boat ride, rest or try local cuisine favorites. There is an optional excursion to explore charming Colmar, just an hour south by train. Colmar escaped damage during the war and has numerous picturesque half-timbered houses. This was the hometown of Frederic Bartholdi (creator of the Statue of Liberty) and the town includes a small museum.

Day 9: Constance, Zurich

Today we have breakfast in France, lunch in Germany and dinner in Switzerland! In Constance, we pray on the spot where the preReformer Jan Hus was martyred and see the Cathedral where some of the trials were held. Crossing over in Switzerland, we dine in an authentic Swiss restaurant. Overnight in Zurich.

Day 10: Zurich, Lucerne Grindelwald

This morning we meet up our local guide in Zurich, to learn about Zwingli and the Anabaptists on a tour of the key Reformation sites in Zurich. We tour the Grossmünster, the Helferei (where Zwingli lived) and see the Zwingli Statue. After a stroll through the historic Altstadt (old city) we depart for Lucerne. The afternoon is free to explore Lucerne’s picturesque lakeside setting and 14th century Chapel Bridge, which is the most photographed monument in Switzerland. We end the day in our Alpine hotel.

Day 11: Grindelwald

This is our fun Alps play day! Local leisure options include bike rental, hiking with a picnic in a meadow, or the cogwheel railway up to Kleine Scheidigg and the spectacular Jungfrau Peak. Those who wish may go on an amazing journey of cable cars and trains to Muren, returning to the hotel in the evening

Day 12: Geneva

We stop for coffee in medieval Murten, where we can walk atop the original city walls and explore another chapter of Swiss history. We then continue to Geneva, where Calvin, Knox, Farel and others brought Christ’s teachings to eager listeners. Our tour begins at the impressive Reformation Monument. Four statues of four Reformation leaders stand as sentinels to truth and courage inspired by godly faith. We see Calvin’s church, the Auditoire de Calvin, (Calvin’s Academy, also known as The Protestant Lecture Hall), where the inspired theologian himself taught. Next door is St. Pierre’s Cathedral, where John Calvin preached. We can see his chair and a restored section decorated as it would have been before Calvin. Our final stop is an audio guide tour through the incredible Reformation Museum. Below the museum and the Cathedral, we can see the ruins of a Roman sanctuary, a 4th century basilica, and a 6th century church. We have free time this afternoon to experience these key sites before we dine at a local restaurant this evening for our farewell meal.

Day 13: Return

We transfer from the hotel to the airport for our return flights. (

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