Journeys of Paul in Turkey & Greece

12 Days with 3-day cruise extension – Sample Itinerary

Uncover the mysteries of ancient civilizations as you journey through Cappadocia, Ephesus, Athens, and many more! Immersing yourself in history, culture, and breathtaking landscapes.

Day 1 – Departure

Our journey begins as we board our trans-Atlantic flight for Cappadocia area, Turkey.

Day 2 – Cappadocia Region, Turkey

Upon arrival at the airport, we meet our Turkish guide and driver and travel to Cappadocia on the central Anatolian plain. Magnificent rock outcroppings (“fairy chimney’s”) are the regions’ most famous and characteristic feature. These were formed when the soft volcanic ash (“tuff”) eroded more quickly than the hardened lava which covered it. This area was also home to the ancient Hittite people. Our full day tour of Cappadocia begins with the natural citadel of Uchisar with its panoramic view of the region.

We continue the Goreme Vally which is the highlight of the day. We visit the open air Goreme Museum with its churches hewn out of rock and the colorful frescoes which decorate them. The next stop is the underground city of either Kaymakli or Derinkuyu. These were carved out of the soft stone by refugees who had fled from persecution during the early Christian Era and established a thriving Christian community. Dinner tonight is at our hotel.

Day 3 – Konya (Iconium)

After breakfast, we drive to Konya (Iconium in Paul’s day). Paul visited this city on each of his three-missionary journey’s. This afternoon we have some time to explore Konya, whose heyday was during the 12th century when it was the capital of the Seljuk Kingdom. During that period, the “Whirling Dervish”
sect was founded. Its leader was Mevlâna, a mystic poet and Islamic spiritual leader who developed a philosophy of spiritual union and universal love. We visit the Mevlâna Museum which contains his tomb. Here we have a late dinner at our hotel.

Day 4 – Pamukkale

This morning we drive to Pamukkale, where we see the “cotton Castle,” distinctive terraces formed by hot spring water deposting calcium carbonate (travertine) as it flowed into the valley. We visit the ruins of ancient Hierapolis. Hierapolis was founded during the Hellenistic period as a control point of trading routes connecting East to West. In the Roman Period, Hierapolis became a center of worship to Hades and Apollo as well as a thermal center where massive Roman Baths were built to serve the Romans that visited the city from around the ancient world. Upon arrival at the site, we are welcomed by the spectacular views of calcium pools that have been irrigated by the spring waters of Hierapolis for thousands of years. After a short break to take pictures and enjoy the view, we continue to the ancient site that is still being excavated by Italian archaeologists. Wandering through the colossal tomb chambers of Necropolis, we comprehend the wealth of the society that could afford such impressive graves to be buried in the grounds of the “Sacred City”, as what Hierapolis meant in ancient Greek. We keep exploring the ancient site by touring the Gate of Domitianus and the Byzantine Baths. Once you reach the lower slopes of the hills that rise behind the site, we note one of the best-preserved Roman Theatres of the world of archaeology. Built during 2nd century, the theatre of Hierapolis was used for both theatrical activities and shows of violence.

Day 5 – Izmir (Smyrna)

In the morning we drive to Izmir (ancient Smyrna), to whose church John wrote: “I know your afflictions and your poverty-yet you are rich…Be faithful, even to the point of death, and I will give you the crown of life.” Rev. 2: 9a & 10b). En route we stop in Ephesus, the city where Paul centered his evangelistic efforts for three years. John also addressed the church here, giving both affirmation and admonition: “You have preserved and have endured hardships for my name… Yet I hold this against you: You have forsaken your first love” (Rev.2:3-4). Our visit includes the Basilica of St. John, the ruins of Ephesus, and the Temple of Artemis (one of the Seven wonders of the worlds). Here Marc Anthony and Cleopatra once rode in procession, Paul preached in the Great Theater, and in a little house outside the city the Virgin Mary spent her last days.

Day 6 – Canakkale

After breakfast, we drive to Canakkale. Located at the narrowest point of the Dardanells Straits, this has been an historic crossing point between Asia and Europe. Canakkale is also renowned for its ceramics industry. En route, we make several stops. In Pergamum (located on a hilltop above the present-day Bergama) we visit the great acropolis and the ruins of this once prosperous city, settled by Greeks in the 8th century BC. Another of the seven cities John addresses in Revelation, it also received praise and rebuke: “I know where you live – Where Satan has his throne. Yet you remain true to my name…Nevertheless, I have a few things against you: You have people there who hold to the teaching of Balaam” (2:13a & 14a). We continue to Alexandria Troas, visited twice by Paul on his second Journey. It is here that Paul received – and acted upon – God’s call to extend his ministry into Greece (Acts 16:8-

Day 7 – Alexandroupoli, Greece

Our first visit of the day is to Troy, the city of the legendary Helen of Troy and the Trojan Horse. It has been destroyed and rebuilt nine times. After sightseeing in Troy, we transfer to the Greek border. Here we meet our Greek guide and then continue to Alexandroupoli, a beautiful resort town on the Aegean Sea.

Day 8 – Thessaloniki

This morning we visit the ancient theatre at Philippi, the first city in Macedonia to hear the Gospel. We continue to Kavala (ancient Neapolis), where Paul landed in Europe. Here we visit Lydia’s Baptistry, where the first woman was baptized on European soil. Our destination today is Thessaloniki, the Roman provincial capital during Paul’s time. Today it is a major cultural and religious center as well as a bustling port city.

Day 9 – Athens

Our exploration of Thessaloniki begins with a drive along the waterfront to the massive White Tower and nearby Triumphal Arch of Gallerius, built in 303 AD. We also see St. Demetrios Church with its valuable mosaics and frescoes. From upper town we have a marvelous view of the city. The site where the monastery of Vlatadon was built is believed to be the location where Jason’s house once stood and where Paul was accommodated during his visit to Thessalonica. We also visit Paul’s Bema, the monument dedicated to Paul by the people of Veria. Finally, we drive to Athens for dinner and overnight.

Day 10 – Athens

Today we explore Athens, one of the most glorious cities in the world and the cradle of western civilization as we know it today. For 25 centuries, the panorama of this city has been dominated by the rock of the Acropolis. Here we see the ruins of the Parthenon, the Erectheum and the Propylae.

Following our visit there we ascend Mars Hill where Paul spoke to the ancient Athenians about the one true God (Acts 17:22-34). From here we have an excellent view of the ancient agora, the former center of Athenian public life. On a drive through the city, we see the House of Parliament on Syntagma Square, the evzones in their distinctive uniforms guarding the Presidential Palace, and the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. We also see the Library, the University, the Temple of the Olympian Zeus, and Adrian’s Arch. We can compare the Panathenaic Stadium where the first Olympics of the modern era were held with the site of the 2024 Olympics. Dinner is on our own.

Day 11 – Athens

Today, we travel to nearby Corinth. The city’s location between two gulfs placed it on the shortest route between the Aegean Sea and Italy. This Roman city was both a center for trade and for loose living. For Paul it was the site of an extensive ministry to a fledgling and beloved Christian community. Tonight, we have a farewell dinner at a restaurant overlooking the Parthenon.

Day 12 – Return

For some of us, the journey with Paul ends today as we transfer to the Athens airport for our flight back to the USA. Others continue to the cruise for a post-tour extension.

3-Day Cruise Extension

Day 12 – Cruise/Mykonos

We transfer to the port of Lavrion and embark on our cruise. Our first port of call is Mykonos, the island of the international “jet set”, famous for its beautiful sandy beaches and incredible night life. It is also known for its windmills, countless tiny chapels, and narrow cobblestone streets. This maze of narrow lanes was purposely designed to defy both the wind and pirate raids. The lively port is a photographer’s favorite.

Day 13 – Cruise/Patmos & Ephesus

This morning, we arrive at the port of Kusadasi on the Turkish coast where you can join a tour to ancient Ephesus and the House of Virgin Mary (optional) or visit the various stores of the Kusadasi port. After lunch, we set sail at for the Island of Patmos, where Saint John the Divine wrote the book of Revelations. On the Island of Patmos, you may join your tour of the Monastery of Saint John and the Grotto of the Apocalypse (optional) or enjoy your free time at the picturesque town of Scala port.

Day 14 – Cruise/Heraklion Crete

Today’s first port of call is the island of Crete and its capital Heraklion where we can join a tour of the Minoan Palace of Knossos (optional) or discover on your own the “old town”. Past the Venetian fortress at the harbour gate, and near the Archaeological Museum is a Church dedicated to St. Titus. He was a convert and companion to the Apostle Paul, who was first shipwrecked on Crete for several weeks during a storm. The pedestrian 25th August Str., a shopping street, is directly opposite the Old Harbour and extends to Lion Square and Morosini Fountain, in the city hub. Our last port of call is the volcanic island of the Cyclades, Santorini.  Upon arrival, we admire the spectacular caldera, created by the eruption of the island’s volcano in ancient times and the whitewashed houses perched on the edge. Discover with your tour (optional) the breathtaking panorama of Oia, the most photographed spot in Greece, known worldwide for its fascinating sunsets.

Day 15 – Athens

Our cruise ends in the port of Lavrion today. After disembarking from our cruise ship, the rest of the day is free to explore and shop on our own. Tonight, we have a farewell dinner at a restaurant.

Day 16 – Return

Our journey ends today as we transfer to the Athens airport and board our flight bound for the U.S.

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